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Following are some of the entries submitted in the first  acrostic-tanka poem competition held in December 2012 on Deep Underground Poetry hosted by yours truly, EngrVV.





Darkest kissed shadows

Elevate your spirit up

A force of Grim's hand

Touched your soul ripping it free

Hells fire you are heading for


Silent as it creeps
Twisting through cloud forms moving
Over oceans vast and wild
Racing toward land crashing
Madness erupts on lightening cries


Out across vast open water
Casting lines to hungry eyes
Eager open mouths bite
Attached by steel struggle lost
Now gutted by their captors


Layers of tough skin
Over his poor bleeding heart
Veins crave the pulse beat
Ever falling without her touch
Rain shadows his view blinding


Healing segments seal
Each passing moment they share
And words on lips kiss
Reminding them it is real
Taking breaths of Patchouli


Aching within her
Grabs at her heart and squeezes
Opening fresh wounds
Netting her emotional
Yearning tied with no escape


Blown into the wind
Running with the lost river
Escaping his grasp
Anticipation fading
Knees give way upon his truth


Tastes of bitterness
Rakes at her insides screaming
Undiluted pain
Tears every cell piece by piece
Hot burning hell lives within






Magdalena​​ (CLICK TO SEE MORE OF HER POEMS) - Winner of 1st acrostic-tanka poem competition

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